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Author :
Hee Kang Choi 2 Articles
478 Comparison of Three-Level Triage Versus Five-Level Emergency Severity Index for Prediction of Hospital Outcome of Emergency Patient
Sun Hwa Shin, Sang Do Shin, Hee Kang Choi, Won Chul Cha, Young Sun Ro
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2011;22(5):478-488.
245 Epidemiology of Patients Using the Resuscitation Room in an Emergency Department
In Suk Kim, Sang Do Shin, Hee Kang Choi, Ji Sung Yu, Sun Hwa Shin, Ji Yoen Lee, Ju Won Kim, Do Kyun Kim, Young Sun Ro, Sung Koo Jung
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2009;20(3):245-255.
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