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Author :
Goang Min Choi 2 Articles
639 Cardiac Tamponade from Chest Trauma During Snowboarding
Jeong Yeol Seo, Moo Eob Ahn, Hee Cheol Ahn, Jae Bong Chung, Sung Eun Kim, Gi Hoon Choi, Ji Hoon Bae, Goang Min Choi, Hyung Soo Kim, Jun Hwi Cho, Chan Woo Park, Taek Gun Ok, Ki Cheol You
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2004;15(6):639-642.
49 Clinical Review In Geriatric Trauma Patients
Hee Cheol Ahn, Jeong Youl Seo, Jae Bong Chung, Young Mi Choi, Jung Tae Choi, Ki Cheol You, Moo Eob Ahn, Goang Min Choi, Hong Ki Kim, Sung Whan Kim, Jun Whi Cho
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2002;13(1):49-54.
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